Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Window - Short Film 8th Grade

Blog Assignment #1:
After reading the story The Window and watching the short film The Hospital Window, compare the two.  State which one you preferred, the story or the film and state what are the differences between the story and film.


  1. I would recommend to read the story and then watch the film. Both are well done and very enjoyable.

  2. mr.arce you will tell me if the homework is here i'll post the differences that you tell in the classroom: 1.The man is not by the window has the eyes with a paper. 2.The nurse siting a wheel chair the man who is by the window. 3.The man by the window could not see. these are the three differences.

    1. Yes, the homework was to be posted here. Congratulations on being the first person to post a comment. You forgot to put a capital T on number 3 but overall good observations.

    2. Yes, the homework was to be posted here. Congratulations on being the first person to post a comment. You forgot to put a capital T on number 3 but overall good observations.

  3. The difference in the story to the film:
    1.What which was not in the window not envied. 2.No died member 3. The other did not change to the window that had not envy.

    1. The Difference in the story film:
      -In the story the man in the window gave him cough died because in the movie died for an operation.
      -In the story the nurse asked him to bed to change him and the movie he asked her that I saw behind the window.
      -In the story was saying that the other side had envy but the movie was not so.

  4. The differerences are:
    1. In the story the man by the window died because the men in the other bed did not help him, but in the movie the men in the bed (that could not see through the window) could not help.
    2. In the movie the man in the bed (that could not see through the window) could not see anything.
    3. In the movie the man in the bed (that could not see through the window) was not moved by the window unlike the story.

  5. Mr. Arce,this are the 3 differences that i found:

    1) The first is that the man who was not next to the window was blind in the story that only has a disease in his lungs.
    2) The second is that the man who was at the window was sick and when I went to do an operation unfortunately died and the story died from asphyxiation.
    3) The last is that the man who was blind told the nurse to see if there was something just behind the window and the story was that the gentlemen asked to the nurse to move it to the other bed was next to the window.

  6. Tree diferents:
    1-The man next to the window in the story is was blind and the film is not blind.
    2-The other man beside the man of the window in the story is not blind and the film he was blind.
    3-In the story the man let die the man next to the window and in the short film the man next to the window go to a operation and die.

  7. The different are : 1 the man was blind and in the story
    he wasent.2 in the story the man let the man die, in the movie he went to a operation an die 3 in the story the man after the day passed he ask to move in the movie
    ask what was in that window.

  8. The three differences
    1. The guy that is not by the window has a bandage on his eyes.
    2. The guy sitting next to the window did not choke and die. He was out of the room when he died.
    3. The guy that was not near the window did not asked to move next to the window. Instead he asked the nurse to look outside the window and tell him what she saw.
    That is the three differences between the story and the short film.

  9. 1-That in the story the man he was moved by the story and the movie not moved.

    2-In the story the other man left to die in the film and operate it and dies alone.

    3-In the story the man who was in the window I could see the movie and not.

  10. The man that could not sit was not move while in the movie he asks the nurse too desribe the lake. The man that is next to the window is operate while in the story he is not operated.The man in the movie was operated and the man died while in the tale he just died.

  11. oneofthediferenceisthatthemandiedwithouttheothermandintsawhimdie.andthemanwasblindinthemovieandinthestorydint.andfanallythemanlooksthrouhtthewindowandfacedablankwall.

  12. In the story one man let the other die and in the film the other guy did not make it.
    In the story the other man could see and in the film the man could not see.
    In the story the man himself saw the wall and in the film the nurse told him.

  13. The three differences:
    1- The guy is not in the window hes eyes are coverd.
    2- The guy dont died near the window,he died in another room of the hospital.
    3- The nurse help the guy to change,then he notice
    there was a white wall and in the movie he ask to the nurse to see outside the window.

  14. The Three Differences:

    1) The story goes that Mr. was blind,
    and in the movie the lord was not blind.
    2) blind Lord was telling him who was lying,
    who had a park full of flowers outside and children etc.
    Mr. blind man said that he had a beautiful park so that he was lying to feel good.
    3) Senor, who was lying told the nurse what happened to the other table to see the park and what he saw was a wall.
    When Mr. Blind is taken from the room, then a nurse comes in and asks who is lying to where he was and she told him she had died,
    which lay nurse asks to look at the park and she said there was only one wall

  15. las 3 diferencias son: 1.Que el senor en la historia murio por causa de una tos y en la pelicula murio en una operacion .2.QUE EL SENOR EN EL CUENTO ESTABA NO ESTABA CIEGO Y EN NLA PLICULA SI .3.qUE EN LA HISTORIA PIDIO Q LO TRASLADARAN DE CAMA Y EN LA PELICULA PREGUNTO Q HABIA AL OTRO LADO DE ESA VENTANA

  16. Krystal Velez VazquezSeptember 2, 2013 at 8:12 PM


    SHORT FILM: The man by the window is not blind.
    STORY: The man by the window was blind.

    SHORT FILM: The man by the window dies from an operation.
    STORY: The man by the window dies because the other mab left to die of envy.

    SHORT FILM: The second man did not change bed and the nurse says there is only a wall in the window.
    STORY: The second man changes his bed and sees only a white wall.

    I preferred the story The Window :)

  17. The 3 diferences: in the story the man near the Window is blind, but in the film he can see. In the story the two Mens can't sit up, but in the film the two Mens can sit up in the Bed. In the story the man die by fluids in his lungs, but in the film he die by a procedure in the hospital. Angel Martínez.

  18. The three differences are:1.In the movie in the hospital room and there was little light in the story if he had.2.The man next to the window but did not die quitly die during the operation.3.The man beside the window is not choked with the fuid lungs how was in the movie hi dies in the operation.

  19. in the story shows us a man who could not vet and his friend who imagined the costs. In the movie, the friend who imagined things, they changed him to another place. In the end, the man who couldn't see asked his caregiver to please tell him what was going on outside the window, and the lady told him that there was nothing but a wall.


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